Easy import export o2m. import export multi delete order detail

Allow you to Easy import or export in one2many field in form. like import or export sale order line. purchase order line.
mass delete multi record. delete multiple, delete on2many multi, delete many2many multi, easy add line in form and list.
¥ 535.81 535.81 CNY
销售调整单,确认后改产品或数量-Sale change for sku or qty.Sale Fix Order
1. 销售调整单,销售变更单。允许、记录并审核在销售确定后变更产品。
2. 允许、记录并审核在销售确定后变更产品数量,包括增加及减少。
3. 支持审批流,提交、过审、拒绝重审。
4. 自动业务规则限制,只有没出库交付,关联采购或生产没完成入库的情况下,才可调整。
5. 当仓库作业没确认完成时,支持重置仓库出入库作业,以便于调整。
¥ 1,134.65 1134.65 CNY
Wechat Payment Partner.微信服务商模式,微信支付一体化
¥ 7,596.84 7596.84 CNY
Multi Add Purchase Product,采购订单批量加产品

App Purchase Order Product Multi Batch Add.
Odoo App of odooai.cn
¥ 1.00 1.0 CNY
Barcode Image Widget

Show barcode in form , easy config. support code128, ean-13, ean-8. easy set width and height.
barcode widget. barcode image widget. no_text=1 to empty text in readonly mode.
<field name="barcode" widget="barcode_img" options="{'code': 'Code128', 'width': 250, 'height': 50, 'no_text': 1}"/>
¥ 299.42 299.42 CNY
App Stock Multi Company Enhance.

Stock enhance for multi company.
Show product qty only the company we choosed in relate order.
¥ 299.42 299.42 CNY
App crm browse by stage and team

Browse crm lead by stage and team. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator.
ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
¥ 1.00 1.0 CNY
App Row Number in tree list view

Show row number in tree/list view. list number,list index list row number, tree number, tree index。
Show record order, record number.
¥ 301.42 301.42 CNY
App Account Invoice Product Multi Batch Add

App Account Invoice Product Multi Batch Add
Odoo App of odooai.cn
¥ 1.00 1.0 CNY
NFC reader writer, nfc rfid support with product nfc

NFC Read and Write widget.
Easy use in any app and char field.
Various NFC standard support. Like ISO 14443,15693.
Demo view for product nfc read and write in barcode field.
¥ 535.81 535.81 CNY

Import data by key field. eg: import customer by reference, import product by code or barcode.
Easy import any data by key code.
¥ 1,008.58 1008.58 CNY
Date Alert in Sale Order, Color remind

Sale alert, Sale order alert.Sale date alert.Sale reminder.
Order track. Set SO Sale Order color for Date Warning and alert if planned date coming
¥ 141.83 141.83 CNY
Enhance Inter Company Module for Sale/Purchase Orders and Invoices

Enhance Inter Company Module for Sale/Purchase Orders and Invoices.
Fix bug for: Some records are incompatible with the company of the Sales Order. Incompatibilities: Fields: team_id
公司间规则增强,表达更清晰。Odoo App of odooai.cn
¥ 772.19 772.19 CNY
Purchase Agreement Date Enhance, 采购计划日期处理

Change Date Show order in Purchase Requisition, Purchase Agreement
Show only data not datetime in list view.
Easy purchase date manage.
¥ 299.42 299.42 CNY
odoo提速关闭关注与消息功能-Boost Odoo. Speed up with odoo clean core.

Clean erp with speed up.
Stop auto subscribe. Stop mail. Stop follower. Stop Discuss.
Boost odoo. Faster odoo faster and quick develop. odoo boost. odoo speed up.
¥ 537.81 537.81 CNY
App HR department ztree, parent children tree

Use for parent children tree list select navigator. hr department employee tree.
ztree widget.
¥ 1.00 1.0 CNY
Merge Purchase Order

Merge Purchase Orders in new PO or existing PO.
Merge in to one customer, quantity sum, average price.
¥ 535.81 535.81 CNY
App Sale multi currency, 多币种销售增强

Show Amount in company main currency in Sale order list, quotation list.
¥ 299.42 299.42 CNY
Transit Location manage of stock,中转物流货位存管理

Add stock transit delivery location management.
Add Transit delivery location menu.
¥ 299.42 299.42 CNY
Date Alert in Purchase Order, Color remind

Purchase alert. Purchase order alert. Purchase date alert.Purchase reminder.
Order track. Set PO Purchase Order color for Date Warning and alert if planned date coming.
¥ 141.83 141.83 CNY
Sales Approval Workflow,销售审批业务流

sales double validation, sales double confirm. sales approve, sale approve, sales refuse. sales archive.sales workflow.
Useful Sales order Workflow: Draft->To Approve->Sent->Confirmed->Checked->Delivery->Invoiced->Locked
¥ 772.19 772.19 CNY
Print Partner Labels, Customer Labels, Vendor Labels, Employee labels

Partner Labels on one page. print in full page.
Also can print Customer Labels, Vendor Labels, Employee labels.
¥ 141.83 141.83 CNY
App Purchase Discount Global, discount for total or line

Setup Purchase order discounts, global discount or product discount. print purchase order discount.
¥ 299.42 299.42 CNY
一键快速全用户切换,用户模拟器.Switch User Quickly Easy
¥ 141.83 141.83 CNY